10 Smart Ways to Lower Your Heating Costs This Winter


Who wants to pay a penny more to the utility company than they have to this winter?

Nobody, that’s who!

To help you save serious dough this winter, we at SECCO have put together some tips to lower your heating costs by being creative, pragmatic and sensible:

  • 1.       Have your heating unit professionally serviced.
  • 2.       Turn your thermostat down two degrees.
  • 3.       Seal cracks and gaps around windows and doors.
  • 4.       Take out (or securely cover) wall/window air conditioning units.
  • 5.       Vacuum duct vents and/or baseboard heating units
  • 6.       Change your air filter in your heating unit.
  • 7.       Change the direction of your ceiling fans (clockwise) for winter.
  • 8.       Clear any obstructions from heating vents.
  • 9.       Use space heaters.
  • 10.   Add “draft dodgers” to the base of doors.

Do you do any of these things now?  Will you start this year?

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